Friday, March 11, 2011

Drum Roll Please.....

We have FINALLY figured out what's going on with my husband.  Lydia's RSV is under control (I should say, it's *been* under control, considering she's never acted like anything's wrong!).  Anyhow, when I took Tyler to the doctor on Tuesday, the doctor put in an order for a Z-pack medicine that we could pick up Thursday/Friday if he just wasn't feeling better.  He wasn't.  So yesterday (Thursday), I picked it up and he took the dosage of it yesterday at 2:30.  By 8:00 last night, he was having such stomach pain and was just generally uncomfortable, so I took him to the ER in our town.  They found nothing, still, to be wrong with him. Said it was still viral, still nothing to be done. Still, still, still. 

Today, his fever was up and down up and down again.  I told him I thought we needed to get him looked at again, but this time in Watertown (where we both grew up).  So, I called the office, they had an opening at 3:45, I packed an overnight bag for us each (just in case!), loaded the dog up, and away we went.  The doctor quickly found that Tyler has a severe case of pneumonia. So severe that he's been hospitalized.  Good thing our parents all live in Watertown! Lydia and I are at my parent's house.

When we were driving, the wind was blowing about 9000 miles per hour.  I went into the clinic with no coat on.  When I came out of the hospital after Tyler's admission (the hospital is attached to the clinic), it was raining and then snowing lightly by the time I got in my car.  By the time I got to my parent's house about 6 blocks later, it was SNOWING snowing.  This was at about 5:15. My dad and brother left to go to a Boy Scout camp at 5:45.  They made it 20 miles south of town and had to turn around and come back.  The 14 miles took them 1 1/2 hours.  I drove across town to buy diapers and I couldn't even see the car 10 feet in front of me.

Good thing we brought the dog and our clothes along... the interstate is now closed to get home! Hopefully tomorrow's a little less eventful than the days in the past week... maybe?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Giving Up Sleep for Lent.

I jokingly (or was it???) wrote on my facebook status that I have given up sleep for Lent. Now, I'm not Catholic, so the practice of giving things up for Lent is not something I normally do.  It's not that I couldn't do it, I just have never done it.  Anyhow, this year really could be the year I give up something and right about now that something feels like sleep.

Sunday my husband started to not feel well.  I thought he was just tired or had a little cold or something.  By the time we went to bed Monday night, he had a temperature of 102 degrees.  I felt bad, but thought, again, it was no big deal -- just a cold, maybe a bug, or something.  We are on day four of him having a temperature of 100 + degrees.  His temperature breaks, goes down a little, but then ends up right around 100 multiple times a day.  He has missed four of four days of school this week.  When will he get better?

Lydia has had a little bit of a cough, runny nose, and a little congestion for probably about a week now.  She did get a tooth last weekend, and these are her normal teething symptoms, so I didn't really think much of it.  She has been running a little fever her and there, but again, I thought it was teething.  I picked her up from daycare yesterday and her daycare mom said she had a fever again and her chest seemed rattley.  I thought to myself "The clinic is only two blocks away from daycare.  I'm going to go see if they have anyone who can listen to her chest."  There was a little boy with croup at daycare last week and who knows what else she shares with her friends at daycare.  I took her over to the clinic and they tested her for influenza and RSV.  The influenza test was negative; the RSV test was positive.  My baby has RSV!  I was so scared they were going to hospitalize her.  For now, we have escaped the hospital stay, as she's over six months old.  However, if she gets worse, she'll have to go to the hospital. So, out of five school days this week, I'll have missed three and a half. Good thing I have sick time! 

We are supposed to go to Sioux Falls this weekend to meet up with college friends.  We've had this weekend planned since last summer.  We have a motel room and it's literally been the only thing getting me through this week: knowing that we get to "get outta Dodge."  Our plans to go have been canceled.  We don't get to go and it makes me so SO sad! We haven't been out of town (except to run to Watertown for the day every once in a while) since we went Christmas shopping for a day in Sioux Falls before Thanksgiving.  After this weekend, I have next weekend open and then I have oral interp. meets every Saturday until April 16.  Tyler coaches track starting the week after next.  I'd love to go to Sioux Falls just for the day next Saturday, but it's state basketball.  That causes a mess.  Everything gets so busy and full that driving in town, eating at a restaurant, and shopping at the mall are not so much fun.  That blows that idea. 

Well, the baby's crying (surprise), the kitchen needs picking up (typical), and this Momma needs to get her butt in gear (ugh).  Until next time blog-owers (that's blog followers, duh)!