Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Here!

Well, kids.  Here it is.  I've not blogged since November (I think).  Lots of things have happened since the last time I posted (duh, that's what life does).  LC gave up her pacifier, she's in a big girl bed, she turned 2 on Mother's Day (complete with a Sesame Street birthday party), and she's a bossy-flossy little thing. I finished up my 5th year of teaching English in May and Tyler finished his 4th year at his network administrator position.

Here's the real scoop with me.  On Thursday, June 7, I quit drinking pop. Now it's not like I was a camel when it came to pop, but let's be real, I love, love, LOVE (!!!) Dr. Pepper with all my heart. When I quit, I went cold turkey.  I never really drank water --- and when I say never really, I mean never -- so I have totally cut out all pop and have been drinking water. A lot of water. Sometimes I really just want a pop. so. bad. I am not even opposed to having one once in a while, eventually . For right now, I think it's best that it's just gone for a while. I don't know how long a while is yet. Maybe a month? Maybe 6 months? I just don't know.

Tonight I Googled "Couch to 5K," because I keep hearing about it, but never get the full story.  So, I looked at it. I set my computer down.  I went and changed into workout clothes. And. I. Ran. The program seems do-able and I'm definitely ready for a change in my life.  I cannot continue to look the way I look and feel the way about myself that I feel. Today the plan told me to walk briskly for 5 minutes to warm up.  For the following 20 minutes, I alternated jogging 60 seconds, then walking 90 seconds.  Even before I started jogging for the first 60 second section, I was telling myself (with each footstep) "I. can. do. this. I. can. do. this." And I DID! I surprised even myself, but I didn't give up.  Not even once. I ended up running in the rain at the end, but it didn't matter.  I sweat. A lot. But I did it!  (And I have the shin splints already to prove it!).  I felt fat running -- like my butt weighed a thousand pounds; like all the leftover baby pooch wiggled and jiggled all over; like I was drained by the last 60 second running interval.  But I CAN DO THIS!

I came home and took pictures of myself, but I'm not brave enough to post them yet. Later....


  1. WTG! I made it to week 3 a few years ago. I need to try it again now that I have less to pound into the pavement ;)

  2. Thanks, Julie! I just need a change in my life!
