Thursday, October 10, 2013

Stickers, Stickers Everywhere

So lately (and by lately I mean since about April when Tyler was out of town for a conference for two days), Lydia has been a bear about going to bed.  Like we start bedtime with a bath at 7:15 (like always), and sometimes she's still putting up a good fight at 11:00.  She's the queen of stalling.

So a few weeks ago, I made a chart.  The chart says "Before bed each night, Lydia needs to:" and then shows a list of things she needs to do.  I have it written out (because she's working on learning letters), and then I drew a picture illustrating each item on the list.

Below the chart is a calendar with open boxes that Lyd can earn stickers to put on there.  If she earns three stickers (which only get stuck on in the morning... my mama didn't raise 'no fool!), she get's a "surprise" (Note: "surprise" means a reward to anyone not three years old...).  She's three years old, so three is THEE number that makes her little world go 'round.

This chart business has worked wonders on bedtime.  Lydia does only one task at a time (even though she is capable of stringing tasks together... whatev... it works, so I don't interfere and point that fact out) and then runs back and checks her chart.  I hear her saying "Take a bath... check.  Eat 5 cereals... check." So I know she gets the point of the chart.  And DANG IT she wants needs those stickers!

So far she has earned...going to see the movie "Brave" in the park...going to Hardee's for breakfast...going to Pizza Ranch for supper... going to the pumpkin patch.  Let's be real... some of these things we had already scheduled to do....but sssshhhhhhh! Lydia doesn't need to know that!

Girlfriend with her chart.

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